The Santa Cruz Elks Lodge can accommodate up to five RVs, each with a maximum bumper to bumper length of 40′. The spaces are roughly 17′ wide. The maximum stay is 7 days with one extension allowed (14 days total) if spaces are available.
Check-in is at noon, and check-out is at 11am. Cost is $50.00/day.
Accommodations include: WIFI, power (50a & 30a) and water, a dump site (guaranteed access 8a – noon), pool use when open (12:15p – sunset) — two free daily passes, more for $10.00/person, paid at the snack shack.
Reservations can be made by calling the Lodge office at 831-423-8240 or drive-in between the hours of 9 and 3 on weekdays. Email reservations will be processed during the same hours.
If you fill out the form below, you will get an email with either your designated space if one is available, or to let you know that no space is available.
Upon arrival, please fill out the registration form. Place the white copy in the slot marked RV Only, and put the yellow copy on your dashboard or other conspicuous place.